Meg Smithson Coaching

Building Bulletproof Relationships

I help driven women get out of their own way, faster.


Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.

— Robert Holden

Get out of your own way, faster

Self betrayal has become the new norm, and exhaustion & burnout from battling extreme people pleasing & perfectionism is no longer working.

Guess what?! It doesn’t have to be this way any longer. I can help you get out of your own way, faster.

Together, we get intentional & we prioritize what matters most. You can have success at work AND at home. It doesn’t have to be an either/or.

We will BUILD:

Boundaries (without guilt)

Belief in yourself + a backbone

BFFs with yourself (regain trust with self)

•A BULLETPROOF Brain (aka ‘Thought life’)

And, you will BECOME the woman who has the life you never dreamed was possible (for you). We increase your capacity for that life, without self sabotaging it away.

This is your PERMISSION to say yes to YOU which will impact your presence with those who you love the most.

They benefit MOST by taking yourself off the back burner. Then we co-create safety (a learned skill) until it becomes a non-negotiable in your life.

Start here.

I help you get out of your own way! Let’s see what is blocking you from reaching your highest potential. Fill out the form below so we can connect.

Inside 1:1 Coaching, you will learn how to finally leave all the guesswork in the past. I supply the HOW, all you do is SHOW UP and put in the ACTION! 

Client Testimonials

Coaching FAQs


What is belief work and how will it help me?

Belief work is what people roll their eyes at; but it’s THE thing that makes moves and then will appear “magical.” Thought work helps with this belief building. Action then needs to take place from that belief foundation. A common struggle I notice is action being taken from disbelief vs belief. This produces dramatically different results. This is something we’ll work on together to help you get unstuck.

Why isn’t it enough to just take action?

Your underlying belief or disbelief about yourself will be a limiting factor behind your growth or lack thereof. Our culture tells us if you work hard enough doing all the “right” things, you’ll be successful. That’s why you keep hitting a wall doing the same things over and over again. We work together on the belief behind the action.

Working harder isn’t working. Can you help me breakthrough?

It takes conditioning and practice to see the true art of rest, play, time off, being non-productive, and partaking in self-care as a non-negotiable part of your life. When you remove the false narrative, you can create safety, and enjoy these luxurious moments, GUILT-FREE. Keeping up with “work-a-holic” culture is keeping you stuck in this soul-sucking cycle that you desperately want to break free from. 

I’m a recovering people pleaser. Do you work with clients like me?

Keeping up with unrealistic expectations as a wife, mother, career woman, friend, daughter makes you feel pressure to say yes to all of the things, in order to be liked by all the people AND seen as keeping it all together, perfectly. One of the greatest things we will do together is learn to say ‘no’ without guilt and make sure YOU matter more than all of the other things you say yes to. 

Why is self work so important?

We examine HOW and WHY you’re operating in the ways you are. We uproot areas that aren’t serving you, and plug into new operating thought systems to try on, to get results like: 

  • increased presence with your partner

  • peaceful parenting

  • performing at a higher level that includes intentional time off

What is reparenting? Why is it important?

You can have an amazing up-bringing AND still learn to re-parent yourself. No matter if you had a terrible childhood or an amazing one, you have the choice of what you make for the rest of your life now. That is YOUR responsibility now. I help you discover the areas where reparenting will make the greatest positive impact on your life.